Worship Series
Current Worship Series
The Kingdom of Jesus: A Study in Luke’s Gospel
The most influential person to ever walk this earth was Jesus of Nazareth. But can we trust the written accounts of his life? What was it about him that made such an impact on the world? We’ll explore these and other important questions as we begin our study Luke’s narrative of Jesus’ life and his kingdom.
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Living as People of Hope:
A Study in 1 Peter
First century Christians felt like exiles in their own country. Their ultimate allegiance was to Jesus, not to the values and norms of their culture. Despite this, and the persecution which came along with it, the church grew by leaps and bounds during this period. What was their secret? We will find out as we work our way through 1 Peter in this brand new series of messages called: Living as People of Hope.
A Community of Faith, Love and Hope
Twelve Easters ago, Church at the Chip was born in the back of a saloon. We broke all the rules of church planting, and yet, by God’s grace, here we are, a thriving church family IN the heart of Cave Creek, FOR the heart of Cave Creek. God has been good to us, and we are grateful. From the very beginning, we have called ourselves “ecclesia: a community of faith, love and hope.”
Following Jesus: A Study in Mark
Lent is the season of preparation for Jesus’ death and resurrection. This year, along with our daily meditations from the Gospel of Mark which arrive in your Inbox, we will highlight various themes from Mark during our Sunday messages.
Jonah: The Reluctant Prophet
A short series on what might be the strangest book in the Bible: the book called “Jonah." It’s a story about a very reluctant prophet, a lot of repentant pagans, and a truly merciful God. But what does it have to do with us? Let’s find out!
Signs of New Life: A Study in 1 John
A study of a beautiful little book: The First Letter of John. It is a perfect follow-up to our study of Galatians, which concluded by saying that what really matters is “new creation.” New Creation -- a brand new life -- is what the gospel births in our hearts. But how do we know if we have new life? What are the signs of new life? That’s what 1 John is all about.
The Gospel Changes Everything: A Study in Galatians
We recently finished studying Matthew’s gospel, which concludes with Jesus’ commission to “Go and make disciples of all nations….” This is exactly what they did. Despite massive obstacles, within a few generations this band of rag-tag disciples literally changed the world. How did this happen, and what can we learn from their example? We’ll explore this as we study what is perhaps the earliest Christian document in the Bible: Paul’s letter to the Galatians. Buckle up!